The hybrid cloud is fast becoming the norm for businesses large and small, enabling them to select appropriate hosting solutions for various types of information that may require different levels of security. The hybrid cloud can be broken down further into either the public hybrid cloud or the private hybrid cloud, with the latter being the preferred choice for a company’s most sensitive information and/or applications.

The private cloud is typically hosted offsite by a third party and dedicated to a specific organization. This is generally the most secure form of cloud computing. Some of the reasons a company would use a private cloud include:

  • If applications and information constitute the core of the business with security and control being paramount considerations.
  • If the business deals with sensitive security matters and access must conform to prescribed security protocols laid down by a governmental agency.
  • If the company is big enough to be able to afford to build and manage its own private cloud data centre.


When considering which private hybrid cloud services provider is right for your company you’ll want to keep in mind that the main differences between public and private cloud computing reside in matters of privacy and security as mentioned earlier; primarily their implementation, reliability and price. Here are a few other things you’ll want to know about prospective private cloud service providers:

  • Do their Services Dovetail with Your Company’s Objectives? – A company that deals mainly in public hybrid cloud computing may not be the best choice for your private cloud requirements. Find a company that specializes in what you need.
  • Does the Provider have a Cohesive Strategy when it comes to Managing Resources? – If the provider does not have a management strategy that encompasses all users and platforms you are at risk of performance issues as well as elevated support costs.
  • Does the Provider offer a Trial Configuration? – The more components involved in a hybrid private cloud computing environment the more important it is to be able to test a proposed configuration before signing on the dotted line.

The private hybrid cloud’s ability to mix and match services make it an increasingly popular option for companies large and small who require both flexibility and ironclad security. Call VI Professional Services Inc today on (905) 370-0324 to find out how your company can benefit from our hybrid private cloud services.